Vote Socialist Equality Party for the Senate in NSW
Download the SEP Senate NSW How to Vote
The SEP is fielding above-the-line party tickets for the Senate in Victoria and New South Wales, enabling all voters in these states to cast a vote for the SEP.
The party’s national secretary Nick Beams heads the SEP’s Senate ticket in NSW and is the party’s national spokesman. SEP member and chef Carol Divjak is also standing on the party’s upper house ticket.
Nick Beams, 59, is the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP). He was a founding member of its predecessor, the Socialist Labour League (SLL), in 1972. Widely known as a leading authority on Marxist political economy, Nick has written extensively on the significance of globalised production for the international working class and has lectured in the United States, Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia and throughout Australia. Born in Britain and raised in Tasmania, he lives in Sydney and is the father of two adult children. He is a member of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and his articles on economics, politics and history are read by a broad international audience.
Statements, press releases and PDF downloads
Why both Labor and Liberal will provide billions for tax cuts, but not for social services
29 October 2007
(Download PDF)
Nick Beams launches party’s election campaign on YouTube
29 October 2007
How to fight militarism and war
Report delivered by Nick Beams to an SEP election meeting in Melbourne on October 21.
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Send your questions
to Nick Beams
See a Google compilation
of WSWS articles by
Nick Beams
Carol Divjak, 63, was raised in the Hunter Valley and moved to Sydney in 1964. She began work as a laboratory assistant at Courtaulds in Tomago in 1961 and then at Masterfoods in Sydney. In 1976 Carol completed a Trade Certificate in Commercial Cookery and has since notched-up an extensive work history in the food industry, serving as Tasting Room chef for Len Evans’ Food and Wine Club from 1980 until 1989. Between 1999 and 2004 Carol was owner-operator of Bella Ciao in Haymarket. Carol joined the Socialist Labour League in 1984 after publicly resigning from the Labor Party and has since played a leading role in the work of the party’s Sydney Area. Over the past decade she has twice contested elections as an SEP candidateduring the 1998 federal election and the NSW state election in March 2007. She has been married for forty years and has two adult daughters. She is now semi-retired.
Statements, press releases and PDF downloads
New report exposes Labor-Liberal wrecking operation on public hospitals
30 October 2007
(Download PDF)
Miscarriage tragedy highlights deliberate running down of public hospitals
5 October 2007
(Download PDF)
Send your questions
to Carol Divjak
See a Google compilation
of WSWS articles by
Carol Divjak |
Copyright 2007 Socialist Equality Party (Australia). All rights reserved.
Authorised by Nick Beams, Suite 2, 9 Patrick Street, Blacktown, NSW 2148