Socialist Equality Party

Election Campaign

Nick Beams launches party’s election campaign on YouTube

29 October 2007

Today the World Socialist Web Site is publishing a YouTube video address by Socialist Equality Party national secretary and WSWS International Editorial Board member Nick Beams, introducing the party’s campaign for the 2007 Australian federal elections.

Beams, a leading authority on Marxist political economy, is standing for the SEP in the Senate in New South Wales, heading a slate of 13 SEP candidates. The SEP is advancing a socialist and internationalist alternative to war and militarism, social inequality and the escalating attack on democratic rights.

In the SEP’s five-minute video broadcast, Beams explains that the US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with the preparations for war on Iran, are, in the final analysis, the product of a fundamental breakdown of the world capitalist order.

The critical political task before Australian workers and young people, Beams emphasises, is not the defeat of the Howard government, but the development of an independent political movement—against Liberal, Labor, the Greens and the entire official political establishment—based on the fight for the socialist transformation of society as a whole.

Over the coming weeks regular YouTube addresses by Beams and other SEP candidates will discuss various aspects of the SEP’s program.

The SEP YouTube channel is: